Maths assessment
- using child friendly language which can easily be transferred into I am learning, success criteria, and information for parents.
- making the statements more objective so we can be clearer in our assessments.
- including sublevelling guidelines in the assessment statements.
This APP model also includes the following features:
- where possible, concepts (for example time) are displayed in a horizontal row so you can see how they develop through the levels.
- addition/subtraction and multiplication/division are colour coded so you can easily see the important calculation strands
- our calculation policy methods are embedded in the APP and highlighted in bold.
It is not suggested you must throw away what you are using now, but when you find it helpful to make a move the following is on offer:
(all the following are also available in staffshare - APP - maths 2012)
(1) Here you can get the spreadsheet which has all the wording on it for all the levels. This would be too cumbersome (and unnecessary) to have on paper but it is here in case you want the wording to make your own modifications, or to strip out levels to make a computer based APP for your class.
(2) If you really want this on paper then here is a pdf which will fit on double sided A3:
Right, now for the more useful stuff..
(3) This is a level 1 and 2 sheet which will print double sided on to A3 (or A4 I suppose if you have the eyesight of a hawk)
(4) And this is one for levels 2 and 3
(5) And here for levels 3 and 4
(6) Here are sublevelled I can sheets based on the same wording as the above, which could be stuck in children's books:
The above was derived from this:
Which was recommended to us by Netherthorpe. They didn't write it, they "found" it on the net. I have tried to track down its origin. I have found it on a couple of school websites and emailed them to see if they created it but have had no response.
Anyway, they say they have been using it for a while now at Netherthorpe, having adjusted it to fit their calculation policy - as we have now done. So I reckon that gives it some validity.
You might also find these things of use:
Our calculation policy - showing how operations develop with year group
Our calculation policy - showing operations across each year group
Some Levelled Maths I Can statements
Examples of must/should/could assessment cards